A Closer Look At: Ronald McDonald House of Danville, Inc.
In today’s “A Closer Look At” we’d like to highlight the Ronald McDonald House of Danville, Inc.
Since 1981, the Ronald McDonald House of Danville has been providing a “Home-Away-from-Home” for thousands of families with children that are faced with critically ill children, many of who are hospitalized or receiving outpatient care for the treatment of cancer and other serious illnesses. Serving families from 65 of 67 counties in Pennsylvania, 34 states and 27 countries, the Ronald McDonald House provides families with more than a place to eat, sleep, and shower. The House provides families with a support system that encourages families to interact with other families that are going through similar situations and to share their experiences.
The Ronald McDonald House of Danville is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week and has 17 bedrooms, two efficiency apartments, an indoor playroom, living room, two TV rooms (one that serves as an extra bedroom when the other rooms are occupied), laundry room, kitchen, sun room, and an outdoor play area. The Ronald McDonald House can accommodate up to 64 guests at one time and on average 88% of that time the House is at maximum capacity. Many families who arrive at the Ronald McDonald House are not planning to be at the hospital with their child and are often transported in by ambulance or helicopter. These families arrive at the Ronald McDonald House of Danville with only the clothes on their backs. In these types of situations, the House is able to provide them with clothes, personal hygiene products, and other essential items to get them through their day. Thanks to the existence of the Ronald McDonald House of Danville, families do not need to sleep in their vehicle or hospital waiting rooms, nor do they incur the extra financial burden of hotel rates and restaurant meals. In most cases, the House removes the obstacle of distance and travel.
Be sure and purchase a LOVE shirt to show your support of this great organization: http://rmhdlove.graphichivestores.com/