A Closer Look At: Weston Rhett’s Rangers
Today’s Close Look examines Weston Rhett’s Rangers
Weston Rhett is a true warrior fighting with Cystic Fibrosis. This store was originally setup as a fundraiser for a walk/run in Weston’s honor, but it was unfortunately cancelled due to COVID-19.
For too long, cystic fibrosis, a rare, genetic disease, has robbed people of tomorrows – progressively limiting their ability to breathe and tragically shortening life. There are approximately 30,000 Americans living with CF. They are moms, dads, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, friends, and co-workers who struggle every day in the face of this devasting disease.
Consider donating to their annual fundraiser walk: https://fightcf.cff.org/…/18_Central_Pennsylvania_Harrisbur…
or consider purchasing a piece of apparel to show your support: http://westonrhettsrangers.graphichivestores.com/