What Can You Do With 100 T-Shirts?
Custom t-shirts have WAY more uses than you might know! Here are some ideas for how to use 100 shirts from The Graphic Hive!
100 Walking Billboards
Are you struggling with brand awareness? Remember that it takes 5 to 7 impressions before a person will remember a brand name! You could get those impressions by throwing away your capital with Facebook Ads, or for $600, you can get 100 walking billboards! People love wearing merchandise from brands that they support, so imagine the awareness you could raise with 100 billboards walking around your region!
100 Presents
Trying to capture brand loyalty in a crowded marketplace is a daunting task. Here’s a secret though: people LOVE t-shirts. When a business or organization gives someone a t-shirt, you gain the chance to create a lifelong brand ambassador. Giving away 100 t-shirts to your best customers will not only encourage brand loyalty, but ensure that those customers feel APPRECIATED. Not sure that you want to give away 100 shirts with no return? Give them to your customers with every purchase!
$1,400+ In Profit
Do you already have a loyal fanbase that craves custom apparel? You can easily retail our ultra-soft Tultex t-shirts for at least $20. With a cost of $6/shirt, that puts at least $14 in your pocket whenever you sell a shirt! This is a great way to turn $600 into $2,000!
New Staff Shirts
When’s the last time that you bought your staff new t-shirts? Even if you don’t use t-shirts for your uniforms, matching staff shirts create a sense of community and allegiance. Use the shirts for your summer staff party, or make a statement at your next staff retreat!
New Fanwear!
Are you or your family involved in sports? Imagine 100 brand new custom t-shirts with your team’s logo being worn by 100 people in the crowd. Nothing makes a statement quite like the stands being filled with custom t-shirts. Increase your home field advantage today!
Team Gifts!
Celebrating a long, successful (or not so successful) season is easier when you give your whole team custom t-shirts! Announce your accomplishments, or just thank your athletes for all of their hard work!
A New T-Shirt Every Day for 100 Days
So you don’t run a business or organization, and you aren’t involved in your company’s custom apparel purchasing. Why would you need 100 shirts? Do you like wearing fresh t-shirts everyday? For just $600, you could get 100 custom fresh t-shirts that would keep you feeling fresh for 100 days! Sure, they will all be the same design, but it’s still a new shirt everyday!
However you choose to use 100 shirts, The Graphic Hive Will Help You Save!